
Jambo looks up from a playful session with his...Image via Wikipedia

Cats! cats!
They lay on their sides,
they lay on their backs;
they spend fewer hours standing
than lying flat.

When life is a drag
and I hate where I'm at,
how I'd love to curl up
And sleep like a cat!
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It came to claim him
and he knew
the blood-shot heat
of pain
that seared his chest
no words
no clutch at life
just a passage into oblivion
a passage out of hell.

Year 2010 Vacation bible school project "From prison to palace"

Two weeks or so of hard work creating and setting up Joseph's palace, mummies, sphynges, a prison. The hieroglyphics and the sun atop palace were the easiest. The sphynges challenged me. The prison walls frustrated me (ran out of pastels and I had to paint the rest) But the kids love everything!