This early on a Sunday morning, I am sitting at the desk, writing a short mémoire or personal remembrance of my Aunt who passed away 2 weeks ago, to be read at the funeral service.
It turns out to be a beautiful recollection of her goodness to us as kids. I can picture listeners nodding and maybe smiling as they identify with the feelings I express, and maybe there will be a titter or two at the pictures I painted. They will all agree, I am sure, that there was something almost "saintly" about my Aunty.
I think of the eulogies I have heard at funerals and I wonder: Do people only choose to remember the good after someone dies or do they really only see goodness and perfection when they look back, their minds totally eclipsing any negative memories of the past?
Tell me what you think or what has been your own experience.
Thanks for the blog comment. I'm sorry to hear about your aunt, I'm sure you made her proud speaking at her funeral.
As for your question, it's a good one. I wish I knew but you made a very good comparison, do people "choose" to only remember the good, or do our minds subconsciously remember the good?...I think it's a choice.
Glad you stopped by! Maybe you're right that it is a choice. Someone else told me that if you are really ticjed of with the person you just don't attend, or esle you keep your mouth closed!
I like your blog, too.
I still have what you wrote and it was very true. I must say I remember allthe great things, good things and bad things. I never ever want to forget any of them.
I hope to come meet you in 2011.
Your cousin
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