Papier-mâché recipe and building Egypt

We worked last night until late o'clock, laying the ground work for the transformation of the school gym into Egypt, our choice this year for VBS. Last year it was Rome and it came off successfully. Most of all, we had a blast. (See photos at this link

Can't think how two people can built pyramids, gardens, a palace, sphinxes (sphynges), a prison and Joseph's throne in a week or two, but it has to be done. Last year we proved that Rome could be built in three weeks, but I don't really know the time frame for Egypt. The further along we got last night, the happier Sue became... and the more doubtful was I! By signing-off time, I had singed my fingers making papier-mâché paste, dyed some of my hair green, splashed yellow paint over my jeans and sprinkled my face and arms with glitter. But Sue assured me it was all good.

Here's my recipe for the best papier-mâché:

Combine 1/2 cup all-purpose flour and 2 cups cold water in a bowl.
Add this mixture to a saucepan of 2 cups boiling water and bring it to a boil again.
Remove from the heat and stir in 3 tablespoons of sugar.
Let it cool; it will thicken as it cools. Once it does, it's ready to use.

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